Industry Networking

Get the financial support needed to launch your start-up.

After formulating a business plan and value proposition, it’s time to start selling your idea to the right investors. In this stage, we’ll develop a pitch deck for you to present to potential stakeholders, as well as provide access to our expansive network of designated institutions. You’ll be able to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars in initial funding for your start-up, enabling you to hit the ground running once your business launches.

The Process

Finding the Right Organization

First, we will examine what stage of your start-up development you are at and what your specific needs are. Based on this information, we will determine the right organization out of a list of IRCC-designated institutions to pursue funding from. Your start-up will also be connected with an incubator, angel investor, or venture capitalist, where we will schedule a pitch meeting.

Pitch Deck Development

In order to effectively persuade potential investors to fund your start-up, you’ll need a pitch deck that clearly outlines your business plan, key staff, target market, and financial projections, among other factors. Don’t worry though, our team of marketing professionals will develop a pitch deck that is compelling, comprehensive, and cohesive. We know that potential stakeholders review hundreds of applications, and our goal is always to make sure that your pitch deck reflects the innovation and spirit of your start-up.

Pitch Training

Visuals are one thing, but your start-up’s potential to gain sufficient funding is also dependent on your ability to sell your idea in a professional, engaging, and entertaining manner. Don’t be intimidated, however, we’ll also provide all the training you need to build you confidence in both your start-up and your presentation. You’ll be able to comprehensively explain almost every aspect of your business proposition, as well as answer any spontaneous questions investors might have.

Securing An Investment or Acceleration

After successfully pitching your business, you’ll need to obtain a Letter of Support from your institution in order to proceed with your start-up visa application. Our team will cover this step in the process, in addition to securing an acceleration batch from an incubator. Alternatively, we may also obtain a minimum of $75,000 CAD from an angel investor, or $200,000 CAD from a venture capitalist, depending on the projected scale of your business. By the end of this stage, you’ll not only have formulated a full business plan for your start-up, but also successfully negotiated funding to launch your enterprise!

Ready to Start?

Start-Up Consultation

Sit down with seasoned experts and founders to explore how your start-up idea can take shape.


Build your start-up’s brand identity through our range of software development and product testing resources.

Start-Up Visa & Immigration

Connect with immigration consultants and explore the cultural makeup of the Canadian and North American markets.